You might have a component that subscribes to this topic, which will print the name to the console any time another component publishes to this topic with a person's name. 您可以有一个订阅这个主题的组件,在任何时候当另一个组件使用一个人的名字发布到该主题时,这将会将这个名字打印到控制台。
You can copy the topic and paste it into a text file, you can print the topic, or you can bookmark the topic. 您可以复制该主题并将其粘贴到某个文本文件中,也可以打印该主题或者为该主题添加书签。
So, how to cultivate such a creative thinking ability and teaching applied to print ads in this paper is to explore the topic. 那么,如何培养这种创意性的思维能力并应用到平面广告教学中就是本篇论文要探讨的课题。